May I be the first to welcome you to the month of May? May-be somebody beat me to it, but I’ll say it anymay: welcome to May!!  One of my absolute favorite months.  Warm but not too hot.  Crispy mornings, things still green and fresh-looking, flowers everywhere…

May 2014 Wallpaper by Gabriel Roberts

Here’s a picture I took in Redding, CA.  Why was I in Redding?  Well, I was on my way up to Mt. Shasta, but we stopped at a super-chill hipster coffee joint that managed to dig up some real coffee hipsters with tattoos and facial hair and brew some slightly bitter light-roast delicious strong coffee and decorate the place with a modern-yet-retro aesthetic.  Out back we found this great parking lot and a lovely old Volvo.  They don’t make cars like this anymore.

I scrawled the word “May” and all of its days, so you’ll always know where you are and how close you are to the other days.  I hope this month is full of lovely surprises, new growth, sunshine, and love.  I hope that for you and for me too!

Click one of the following links to download:

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