Gabriel Roberts

Truth is Beauty

Tag: Vermont (page 1 of 5)

Don’t Go Down The Rabbit Hole: Painting Pictures Ep. 87

In episode 87 of the Painting Pictures Podcast, Gabe discusses: dealing with ice; how to protect your feeble mind from dangerous misinformation; maximum valentine’s Day feels without breaking COVID protocols; going gluten-free?

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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Here’s the garbage editorial from the NY Times that I discuss:

Is COVID fight right course of action?

By Emily Rooney-Bryan, a letter to the editor of the News and Citizen:

To the Editor:

I am a blessed to be from this place and of this place. I am grateful for the generations of Vermonters who have come before me, and those that will come after me. That being said, I came across this passage the other day and wanted to share it. I have been mulling over the use of fear as motivation for a long time now, and want to share my perspective with anyone who cares to hear it. Following is an excerpt from an old book entitled “Tao Te Ching.”

When a country is in harmony with the Tao,

the factories make trucks and tractors.

When a country goes counter to the Tao, warheads are stockpiled outside the cities.

There is no greater illusion than fear,

no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself,

no greater misfortune than having an enemy.

Whoever can see through all fear, will always be safe.

I have thought about this concept for a long time prior to knowing it as a passage from the Tao Te Ching. Particularly I have been concerned with the concept of using fear to motivate and whether goals can ever be reached from this position.

When we orient toward fear, we move away from something rather than to it. We create separation and resistance. There are times in life when fear is necessary, but those are instances of immediate survival. Fear is a very helpful and healthy response when running away from a lion for example, but we should be wary of engaging with this form of motivation for longer than it takes to outrun the lion.

If we run on fear for too long, we begin to degrade ourselves, our environment and our community, resulting in the destruction of the very life we so fearfully cling to. This passage is particularly important to me right now while we are embroiled in the COVID crisis, with fear swirling all around us.

We have been running from the lion for over a year, some of us longer. Where are we running to? What is our goal? What are we moving toward? Is it merely about self-preservation? Not dying? How many of us are perishing as a result of not dying? Has our fear of a virus and our subsequent war on it been in harmony with life? Are we safe in our double masks, quarantine bubbles, social distancing and slathering of anti-microbials?

Simply looking at these words we can begin to see how we have moved away from life in our effort to preserve it. Quarantine, mask, mandate, distance, isolate, anti. There is no room for life in these words; they are oppressive.

Are we any safer as a result of our war on disease? Are we healthier, happier and more secure, or are we slowly perishing? What if instead we oriented toward harmony and health? What if we stopped protecting ourselves and instead operated on what is good and life promoting? What if our response to COVID was to support more farmers, build soil and get people back to the land? What if instead of the trillions of dollars spent on vaccines, we put that money into nourishing food and access to the outdoors for everyone, cleaning up our waterways and removing air pollution? What if we helped those stuck in intergenerational poverty and disease rise up and become stewards of their own bodies rather than victims?

What if rather than defending against death we created opportunity for life? Ultimately death is inevitable, but a good life must be cultivated.

Emily Rooney-Bryan, Morrisville VT

Read the letter and leave a comment here:

We Are Actually Getting Sleep: Painting Pictures Ep. 86

Brought to you by Women: after the arrival of a new human being, Gabe reflects on being a dad and brags about how he and his wife are actually doing just fine. With an update from Susan Davis in Waterville.

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Here’s the video I referenced of the alleged shooting inside the US Capitol on 1/6/21:

Recent Drawings

The “drop zone” inside our front door, as seen from the couch.

Thanksgiving in Montgomery—cooking and hanging out in the kitchen.

Our mysterious palm-like plant that lived in our bedroom, now out in the nook for some extra light and space. Charcoal and pencil drawing.

Holiday meal prepping.

The advent calendar that my sister and nephew made, inside their house on Morey Hill Rd.

Back on the Coffee Wagon: Painting Pictures Ep. 82

Gabe climbs back aboard the coffee wagon by trying to implement the ICS or Ideal Coffee Schedule. How long will it last? The temptation of coffee, rooftop temper tantrums, and narrowly avoiding rabbit copulation.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

From Craftsbury to Carmichael: Painting Pictures Ep. 81

A solo show featuring an angry COVID-19 rant and some light-hearted commentary from Carmichael, CA, the place where Painting Pictures began in 2014.  Young people, packing up an old house, robbing Sacramentans, and ordering beers in the pandemic are discussed.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode on my site:

Check out Ivor Cummins’ excellent half-hour breakdown of the COVID-19 pandemic:

Going Back to Cali sponsored by Plexiglass Panels: Painting Pictures Ep. 80

Brought to you by plexiglass panels, this podcast explores the current misconception around herd immunity and antibodies to SARS-CoV2. Gabe talks about flying to California and then reflects on the experience.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

A New Flag with Miles Roberts: Painting Pictures Ep. 78

Miles, The Elder Brother Roberts, joins the podcast from his farm in Northern Vermont to share how he arrived at his worldview today. From 9/11 to Obama’s election to the Coronavirus pandemic, common threads are followed.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

Show Notes

Here’s the first flag of the USA, the “Continental Colors”

Here’s the flag of the British East India Company:

Benjamin Franklin was from English Nobility:

History of the British East India Company:

History of the Federal Reserve (video):

Seed: The Untold Story (movie):

More Thoughts on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Why I’m Still Not On Board

I’m still struggling to adapt to the “new normal” out here in Vermont.  We’re well past the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s becoming more apparent that our society and community have  been fundamentally changed.  I’m trying to remember that there are both good and bad changes that will come out of this, and that much is still to be determined.  Also, to be grateful for my friends and family and community, and for people’s amazing ability to carry on and find a way to get things done no matter what.

I’m not really sure where we’re at in the fight.  I stopped reading the news a while ago, in an effort to focus more on my life and the things that I can actually change or do.  My impression is that we’re stuck in limbo.  At first we had a cause: “Flatten the Curve!”.  Now that hospitals are virtually empty, I’m not so sure what our motto is.  “Make it Last!”, “Try Not to Touch Anybody”, or “Social Distancing 4 Life!” come to mind.  On the other hand, I think lots of people are just plain tired of the whole thing:  “I’m over it!” might be more fitting.  I can’t quite get to this state, because even out here in Vermont, where we surely would’ve had absolutely no idea that there was a pandemic were it not for the news, things have changed.  I’m not happy about the changes.  I don’t like the feeling that the goalposts are being moved on us, seemingly to maintain a perpetual state of fear and social distancing.

I recently had a conversation with my good friend Gabe, who’s working hard out in Scotland to support refugees through the pandemic.  He’s upset at all the people who are questioning public health authorities right now, believing that the way forward is through a unified response, and not through everybody forming their own opinions about what’s going on or how best to deal with the pandemic. He didn’t come out and say it—bless him—but I can tell that he thinks my questions and doubts are a part of the problem.  While I haven’t broken protocol, thrown secret parties, or tried to get super close to people, I’m definitely still not “on board” with this virus.  Why not?  Am I just being contrary?  Is this like in middle school when I made fun of Jack Johnson’s music just because it was popular?
Continue reading

Evil Gabe on Coronavirus: Painting Pictures Ep. 75

Gabe Q. Vest, aka Evil Gabe returns to Painting Pictures from bonnie Scotland to discuss the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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