Gabriel Roberts

Truth is Beauty

Tag: COVID-19 (page 2 of 3)

An Open Letter from Belgian Medical Doctors and Health Professionals

This pretty well sums it all up. An excellent letter detailing why the cure for COVID-19 has become far worse than the problem itself.  Read it below or click over here to read with access to all of the citations.


We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.

The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.

We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.

‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona.

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From Craftsbury to Carmichael: Painting Pictures Ep. 81

A solo show featuring an angry COVID-19 rant and some light-hearted commentary from Carmichael, CA, the place where Painting Pictures began in 2014.  Young people, packing up an old house, robbing Sacramentans, and ordering beers in the pandemic are discussed.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode on my site:

Check out Ivor Cummins’ excellent half-hour breakdown of the COVID-19 pandemic:

Going Back to Cali sponsored by Plexiglass Panels: Painting Pictures Ep. 80

Brought to you by plexiglass panels, this podcast explores the current misconception around herd immunity and antibodies to SARS-CoV2. Gabe talks about flying to California and then reflects on the experience.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

A Swedish Perspective on COVID-19 with Ida Ketonen: Painting Pictures Ep. 79

Ida Ketonen joins the podcast from Malmo, Sweden, to discuss the Coronavirus pandemic and how it has unfolded in Sweden.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

Sweden smear campaign articles:

Grim coronavirus death toll projected in Sweden after lax approach to pandemic:

Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale:

Swedish exceptionalism has been ended by coronavirus:

Some Data Analysis:

Swedish Covid-19 mortality in perspective:

A ‘Nordic’ comparison: Sweden has lower overall mortality than Scotland and Finland:

A New Flag with Miles Roberts: Painting Pictures Ep. 78

Miles, The Elder Brother Roberts, joins the podcast from his farm in Northern Vermont to share how he arrived at his worldview today. From 9/11 to Obama’s election to the Coronavirus pandemic, common threads are followed.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

Show Notes

Here’s the first flag of the USA, the “Continental Colors”

Here’s the flag of the British East India Company:

Benjamin Franklin was from English Nobility:

History of the British East India Company:

History of the Federal Reserve (video):

Seed: The Untold Story (movie):

Why Increasing Number of Cases of COVID-19 is NOT Bad News: A Florida Doctor Talks Some Sense

From a letter to the editor of the Orlando Medical News:

Several times a day, on every possible news outlet, we are bombarded with updates as to the new number of “cases” of COVID-19 in the U.S. and elsewhere. News analysts then use these numbers to justify criticisms of those who dare to reject the CDC’s recommendations with regards to mask wearing and social distancing.

It is imperative that all Americans – and especially those in the medical profession – understand the actual definition of a “case” of COVID -19 so as to make informed decisions as to how to live our lives.

Older Americans remember all too well the dread they experienced when a family member was diagnosed with a “case” of scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), or polio. During my career in family medicine, including several years as an Army physician, I have cared for patients with chickenpox, shingles, Lyme disease as well as measles, tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS. The “case definition” established for all of these diseases by the CDC requires the presence of signs and symptoms of that disease.

In other words, each case involved a SICK patient. Laboratory studies may be performed to “confirm” a diagnosis, but are not sufficient in the absence of clinical symptoms.

Having now been privileged to care for sick patients with COVID-19, both in and out of the hospital setting, I am happy to see the number of these sick patients dwindle almost to zero in my community – while the “case numbers” for COVID-19 continue to go up. Why is that?

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Making Out With Old People in Bars with Joe Gruen: Painting Pictures Ep. 77

Part two of Gabe and Joe’s June chat about the ongoing madness of what we see taking place in the USA, and how badly we need to start making out with old people in bars again.  Gabe opens with a lengthy COVID rant.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

Professor Dolores Cahill on COVID-19

The most fearless attack on the world’s response to COVID-19 and the most eloquent description of how to change the narrative of fear and depression and improve our society forever comes from one of the most eminent immunologists in the world, Dr. Prof. Dolores Cahill:

Audio podcast:


Note: This video, and much of what Dr. Cahill has said recently about COVID-19, has been censored by Youtube and Facebook. It is currently only available to watch at Brian Rose’s London Real website, and you have to enter your email address to access the content. It’s worth it!

Check out Professor Cahill’s website and her extensive CV:

More Thoughts on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Why I’m Still Not On Board

I’m still struggling to adapt to the “new normal” out here in Vermont.  We’re well past the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s becoming more apparent that our society and community have  been fundamentally changed.  I’m trying to remember that there are both good and bad changes that will come out of this, and that much is still to be determined.  Also, to be grateful for my friends and family and community, and for people’s amazing ability to carry on and find a way to get things done no matter what.

I’m not really sure where we’re at in the fight.  I stopped reading the news a while ago, in an effort to focus more on my life and the things that I can actually change or do.  My impression is that we’re stuck in limbo.  At first we had a cause: “Flatten the Curve!”.  Now that hospitals are virtually empty, I’m not so sure what our motto is.  “Make it Last!”, “Try Not to Touch Anybody”, or “Social Distancing 4 Life!” come to mind.  On the other hand, I think lots of people are just plain tired of the whole thing:  “I’m over it!” might be more fitting.  I can’t quite get to this state, because even out here in Vermont, where we surely would’ve had absolutely no idea that there was a pandemic were it not for the news, things have changed.  I’m not happy about the changes.  I don’t like the feeling that the goalposts are being moved on us, seemingly to maintain a perpetual state of fear and social distancing.

I recently had a conversation with my good friend Gabe, who’s working hard out in Scotland to support refugees through the pandemic.  He’s upset at all the people who are questioning public health authorities right now, believing that the way forward is through a unified response, and not through everybody forming their own opinions about what’s going on or how best to deal with the pandemic. He didn’t come out and say it—bless him—but I can tell that he thinks my questions and doubts are a part of the problem.  While I haven’t broken protocol, thrown secret parties, or tried to get super close to people, I’m definitely still not “on board” with this virus.  Why not?  Am I just being contrary?  Is this like in middle school when I made fun of Jack Johnson’s music just because it was popular?
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Evil Gabe on Coronavirus: Painting Pictures Ep. 75

Gabe Q. Vest, aka Evil Gabe returns to Painting Pictures from bonnie Scotland to discuss the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Or listen right here:

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