Gabriel Roberts

Truth is Beauty

Tag: COVID-19 (page 1 of 3)

NEJM’s Pregnancy & COVID-19 Vaccine Study is Misleading

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study entitled “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons“, and it is being used everywhere to demonstrate that these experimental vaccines are safe for pregnant women.  If you do a search on “COVID vaccine pregnancy”, you are likely to find this study cited in the first slew of results, all articles proclaiming that the shot is completely safe and totally necessary for pregnant women.

I actually took the time to read the study, and was shocked right away at the number of “spontaneous abortions”: 104.  Out of a group of 4000 women, this seemed like a lot to me!  The study assures us, however, that there’s no cause for concern, as the “published incidence” of spontaneous abortion is between 10 and 26 percent.  So the 104 out of 827 in this group—or 12.6%—is totally normal.

Thanks to a letter from a group of Canadian MD’s, my suspicion that something was fishy about the data in the study are confirmed:


The article by Shimabukuro et al. 2021 presents preliminary safety results of coronavirus 2019 mRNA vaccines used in pregnant women from the V-Safe Registry. These findings are of particular importance, as pregnant women were excluded from the phase III trials assessing mRNA vaccines. In table 4, the authors report a rate of spontaneous abortions <20 weeks (SA) of 12.5% (104 abortions/827 completed pregnancies). However, this rate should be based on the number of women who were at risk of an SA due to vaccine receipt and should exclude the 700 women who were vaccinated in their third trimester (104/127 = 82%). We acknowledge this rate will likely decrease as the pregnancies of women who were vaccinated <20 weeks complete but believe the rate will be higher than 12.5%. However, given the importance of these findings we feel it important to report these rates accurately. Additionally, the authors indicate that the rate of SAs in the published literature is between 10% and 26%. However, the upper cited rate includes clinically-unrecognized pregnancies, which does not reflect the clinically-recognized pregnancies of this cohort and should be removed.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself!!  A two-month study like this gives us just a snapshot of pregnant women, and naturally, of the “completed pregnancies”, most will be those that were further along in their pregnancy when they got the shot.  But to calculate that 12.5% number off of this snapshot, and compare it to a population-wide statistic is absolutely downright sheisty!  This is what we call comparing apples to oranges.

Let’s say you were trying to figure out if blonde women were more likely to have a miscarriage than brunettes.  To do this, let’s say you decided to pick a random day and say “today there are lots of pregnant blonde women, and at the end of the day there were 85 children born and 15 miscarriages, therefore blonde women don’t seem to be obviously more likely to have a miscarriage”.  One might ask: “Okay great, but of those 100 completed pregnancies, how many blonde women were there?”.  “Ummmmmm let me see…. twelve?”.

Not very convincing!

Why, pray tell, did the authors settle on the date range of December 14, 2020, to February 28, 2021?  Is there something special about this window?  And what became of the “scheduled follow-ups” with the women who received the vaccine in the first and second trimester.  It’s now July, and the paper has yet to be updated with that data.  I wonder why?

I’m no scientist, but it seems to me that the way to determine whether this experimental gene therapy is safe for pregnant women is to use something called a control group: un-vaccinated women.  You would get two identical groups of women, of roughly the same age, health, and gestation period, and give one group the shot and the other a placebo.  Then you would follow them for—heaven forbid—six months!!!  Six months!!!  Can you imagine spending that much time trying to figure out if this vaccine increases your risk of miscarriage?!?!  While a pandemic is raging?!?!?  I must be out of my mind!!!

We will probably never see this study.   In fact, we will probably never see a single mainstream scientific study involving vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.  We will see hundreds of meaningless papers like this that pretend to prove exactly what they set out to prove (which is precisely the reverse of the scientific method), and you will never see one that uses an unvaccinated placebo control group.

What a bunch of trash.  Shame on all twelve of these fools for putting their names on a piece of absolute garbage balogna like this, and for wasting our time as we try to wade through their mess of meaningless jumbled unrelated numbers and cohorts to try and figure out why it smells like garbage.  Please just do the goddamn study already if you actually care to determine or demonstrate anything.

Hosing Down the Ducks: Painting Pictures Ep. 89

How the Trump Trap makes blaming others as easy as ground beef; the fickle gods of public health; mask discussions on the community message board; sitting ducks, composting, and Gerry freaking Durrel.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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Two New Studies that Make Me Scared of the COVID-19 Vaccine

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier:

Researchers used three different samples of human brain tissue to demonstrate all sorts of frightening effects of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, including increased inflammation and permeability of the blood brain barrier.

Makes you wonder why you’d want to take a “vaccine” that instructs your cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome:

The title says it all here. How bits of an RNA virus can be incorporated into human DNA. We have been assured that the mRNA vaccine, which codes for production of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, cannot be incorporated into human DNA. Here we see that RNA from the virus can…

An excellent analysis of these implications can be found here:

From Dr. Doug’s analysis:

…the RNA in the vaccine is a different animal than the RNA produced by the virus. The RNA in the vaccine is artificially engineered. First, it is engineered to stay around in your cells for a much longer time than usual (RNA is naturally unstable and degrades quickly in the cell). Second, it is engineered such that it is efficient at being translated into protein (they accomplish this by codon optimization). Increasing the stability of the RNA increases the probability that it will become integrated into your DNA; and, increasing the translation efficiency increases the amount of protein translated from the RNA if it does happen to become incorporated into your DNA in a transcriptionally active region of your genome. Theoretically, this means that whatever negative effects are associated with the natural process of viral RNA/DNA integration, these negative effects could be more frequent and more pronounced with the vaccine when compared to the natural virus.

In summary, there’s a proven pathway whereby the mRNA from COVID-19 vaccines can be permanently integrated into our DNA and thereby replicated forever. The vaccine mRNA instructs cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which we now see can cause brain inflammation and degradation of the blood brain barrier.

Fortunately, these products have been thoroughly tested for like 6 months, so there’s nothing to worry about!!

Gabe and Joe’s Chinwag: Painting Pictures Ep. 88

Joe Gruen joins Gabe to discuss the ongoing pandemic, germ theory vs. terrain theory, the Bible, including the book of Job and the story of Moses, society separating from reality, forgetting your mask, and much more.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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Here’s a link to The Delingpod, where I stole the “chinwag” idea:

Here’s a link to The Reactionaries podcast:

Don’t Go Down The Rabbit Hole: Painting Pictures Ep. 87

In episode 87 of the Painting Pictures Podcast, Gabe discusses: dealing with ice; how to protect your feeble mind from dangerous misinformation; maximum valentine’s Day feels without breaking COVID protocols; going gluten-free?

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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Here’s the garbage editorial from the NY Times that I discuss:

Is COVID fight right course of action?

By Emily Rooney-Bryan, a letter to the editor of the News and Citizen:

To the Editor:

I am a blessed to be from this place and of this place. I am grateful for the generations of Vermonters who have come before me, and those that will come after me. That being said, I came across this passage the other day and wanted to share it. I have been mulling over the use of fear as motivation for a long time now, and want to share my perspective with anyone who cares to hear it. Following is an excerpt from an old book entitled “Tao Te Ching.”

When a country is in harmony with the Tao,

the factories make trucks and tractors.

When a country goes counter to the Tao, warheads are stockpiled outside the cities.

There is no greater illusion than fear,

no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself,

no greater misfortune than having an enemy.

Whoever can see through all fear, will always be safe.

I have thought about this concept for a long time prior to knowing it as a passage from the Tao Te Ching. Particularly I have been concerned with the concept of using fear to motivate and whether goals can ever be reached from this position.

When we orient toward fear, we move away from something rather than to it. We create separation and resistance. There are times in life when fear is necessary, but those are instances of immediate survival. Fear is a very helpful and healthy response when running away from a lion for example, but we should be wary of engaging with this form of motivation for longer than it takes to outrun the lion.

If we run on fear for too long, we begin to degrade ourselves, our environment and our community, resulting in the destruction of the very life we so fearfully cling to. This passage is particularly important to me right now while we are embroiled in the COVID crisis, with fear swirling all around us.

We have been running from the lion for over a year, some of us longer. Where are we running to? What is our goal? What are we moving toward? Is it merely about self-preservation? Not dying? How many of us are perishing as a result of not dying? Has our fear of a virus and our subsequent war on it been in harmony with life? Are we safe in our double masks, quarantine bubbles, social distancing and slathering of anti-microbials?

Simply looking at these words we can begin to see how we have moved away from life in our effort to preserve it. Quarantine, mask, mandate, distance, isolate, anti. There is no room for life in these words; they are oppressive.

Are we any safer as a result of our war on disease? Are we healthier, happier and more secure, or are we slowly perishing? What if instead we oriented toward harmony and health? What if we stopped protecting ourselves and instead operated on what is good and life promoting? What if our response to COVID was to support more farmers, build soil and get people back to the land? What if instead of the trillions of dollars spent on vaccines, we put that money into nourishing food and access to the outdoors for everyone, cleaning up our waterways and removing air pollution? What if we helped those stuck in intergenerational poverty and disease rise up and become stewards of their own bodies rather than victims?

What if rather than defending against death we created opportunity for life? Ultimately death is inevitable, but a good life must be cultivated.

Emily Rooney-Bryan, Morrisville VT

Read the letter and leave a comment here:

Tictoc Superstar with Joe Gruen: Painting Pictures Ep. 84

Joe joins Gabe to discuss the never-ending pandemic, how he hurt his widdow finger, how to become a Tictoc superstar, and much more.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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Here’s the dataset from the CDC on flu, COVID,  pneumonia, and all deaths in the USA since 2015:

Here’s an image of the chart showing all deaths in green, COVID in orange, and influenza in light blue.

Nick Hudson on The Fat Emperor Podcast

I acknowledge that there’s a lot of stuff we don’t know. So I’m interested to hear people’s theories about tradewinds, as I’m interested to hear people’s theories about viral dormancy, and change in temperature triggering epidemics… those are all things that you must entertain as a scientist—or a person that admires science at the very least. That’s how you learn new things, is by thinking about the novel, or the creative idea. And we’re simply not doing this; we have one cause, which is ‘kids give it to granny’, and we have one cure, which is lockdown. It’s the most stultifying approach you can possibly take to a complex system like an epidemic.

There is a confluence of incentives… you’ve got people who are making money, and they’re going to carry on trying to do that out of this lunatic testing asylum; you’ve got people that are too far gone—they’ve committed too much to the doctrine of lockdown, the voodoo of the mask, and it’s hard for them to stand down; and then you’ve got people with delusions of grandeur, who want to save the world from the deadly virus, and who believe that they’re going to do it with their vaccine, even though we’ve never had a really successful RNA vaccine, and a safe one, an efficacious one, that you can show is safe and efficacious, is years off; and then you’ve got… ineptitude as another part of the story, people who are not that bright—they haven’t really spent enough time studying the data and the information to form their views, they’re forming their views out of fear—and they go to lehman intuition, that you’ve gotta be better off if you put a bit of cloth in front of your face, and you’ve gotta be better off if you stop visiting people, they just go for that rudimentary, first thing that you can grab at, something that computes in a very simplistic kind of way, and then in the midst of all the fear they become adherents to this new religion. I think they’re sincere a lot of the time, but they’re just not very clever. And so you’ve got multiple commercial, political, accident-of-history, psychological fear-driven drivers of this thing that lead to the maintenance of, essentially a voodoo science

I’m most certainly not an anti-vaxx person, I think vaccines were fantastic inventions that saved millions of lives when it came to diseases like smallpox and polio, but I just look at this thing and say “what? really? what are we doing here?”.

I worry about these suggestions of these sinister coercive practices of requiring vaccine passports and the like. That to me is getting properly Orwellian.

There’s no relation between lockdown stringency and (COVID-19) mortality. As more of the longer-dated lockdown countries fill in… we are almost certainly going to end up showing that lockdowns cause higher coronavirus mortality. The reason is: your endpoint, whether you like it or not, is herd immunity. And what you want to be doing, what your strategy ought to be oriented around doing, is getting to herd immunity whilst infecting the smallest possible number of vulnerable people. And you do that by changing the relative mobility of vulnerable people. You bring down their mobility, without reducing the mobility of the non-vulnerable people. What general lockdowns do is exactly the opposite, because your vulnerable people are less mobile to start with, so when you start putting the brakes on the kids and the young adults, you massively reduce their mobility, and so the relative mobility of the older and more vulnerable people, the at-risk people, actually goes up. That is a very compelling explanation for why you get this very high mortality in countries like Peru, where you’ve had brutal and extended lockdowns, and this very high age-based mortality in countries like South Africa. It’s actually counter-productive.

This is a fight for the existence of civilization. I think we are heading down a very very dangerous road, and people need to see it that way, we really do. we can’t go on furlough and doing nothing and waiting every season for another lockdown… it will cripple economies and lead to starvation and the end of life as we know it. It really is important that people wake up to that reality.

Watch the excellent interview here:

Blame it on the Virus: Painting Pictures Ep. 83

The Coffee Wagon now but a distant memory, Gabe discusses the 2020 selection circus, the traps that keep us in the never-ending pandemic, and the coming Internet of Things.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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Back on the Coffee Wagon: Painting Pictures Ep. 82

Gabe climbs back aboard the coffee wagon by trying to implement the ICS or Ideal Coffee Schedule. How long will it last? The temptation of coffee, rooftop temper tantrums, and narrowly avoiding rabbit copulation.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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