Gabriel Roberts

Truth is Beauty

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Evil Gabe on Coronavirus: Painting Pictures Ep. 75

Gabe Q. Vest, aka Evil Gabe returns to Painting Pictures from bonnie Scotland to discuss the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

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May Day with The Cream and The Clear: Painting Pictures Ep. 74

Part 2 of Joe and Gabe’s May 1st 2020 discussion of the coronavirus pandemic.  More on social distancing, the economic shutdown, who we’re supposed to listen to, etc.  Joe takes us out on the piano.

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May Day with The Cream and The Clear: Painting Pictures Ep. 73

Five weeks later, Joe and Gabe return to discuss the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and how it makes them feel and what it makes them think.  Part 1 of 2.

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The Coronavirus Pandemic

Until recently, I thought the coronavirus was a hoax. I wasn’t convinced of a global pandemic or even the existence of this never-before-seen virus. The numbers and images that were supposed to be frightening seemed insignificant and inconclusive. I thought that everybody was overreacting, and I went so far as to suggest as much on Facebook. I was corrected quickly and firmly by friends and family with firsthand experience with the virus—many of whom I haven’t interacted with in years. My perspective shifted dramatically, and with some further reading about the virus itself, its origins and capabilities, I came away legitimately frightened. I’m incredibly grateful to be in a low-risk group, and to live in rural Vermont where the virus hasn’t quite taken off. I’ve started wearing a mask when entering stores; while I may not feel it makes much of a difference for my health, I understand its importance to others, and that there are better ways to express my thoughts on the current state of the world than by broadcasting the fact that I’m not afraid.

My thoughts on the state of the world are many. They come on me when I wake up in the middle of the night, and often when I first get up in the morning. They lead me to my computer and the internet, and they multiply. They make me feel sad, angry, and confused. The following is an effort to organize my thoughts at this point, at the peak of the virus’ destruction. I should warn you that I am a conspiracy theorist. I’ve rejected the label for years, but I now understand that to believe something other than the mainstream narrative means you’re probably a conspiracy theorist, so yes, I am definitely a conspiracy theorist, and I understand if you want to stop reading now.

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No More Star Wars with Jeff Krisko: Painting Pictures Ep. 72

Fellow Sacramento Boy and Mira Loma Matador, former museum curator and current fantasy football expert Jeff Krisko joins Painting Pictures to discuss current events and remind Gabe what they learned in high school.

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COVID Chat with Joe Gruen: The Cream and The Clear on Painting Pictures Ep. 71

In a special episode of The Cream and The Clear, Gabe is joined from Sacramento, CA by C&C co-host Joe Gruen to discuss the global coronavirus pandemic, what it smells like, and how it might effect the economy. It’s not really that technical of a discussion, but some numbers are mentioned.

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A Broken Window: Painting Pictures Ep. 70

It’s episode seventy of your favorite podcast! Brought to you by Full Circle Organics: Gabe hangs solo to share his experiences with a recent homeowner disaster, sledding and snow-tubing, and a sort of normal head cold.

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Good Gabe vs. Evil Gabe: Painting Pictures Ep. 69

In Episode 69 of Painting Pictures, Gabe is joined from Scotland by Evil Gabe, aka Gabriel Q Vest, to talk about the origin of Evil Gabe, Paonia CO, and life in Scotland.

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Jingle Jangle: Painting Pictures Ep. 68

Brought to you by the all-new Lincoln Navigator: While chowing down on delicious Jingle Jangle, Gabriel critiques Trader Joe’s cracker box copy and chats about Christmas gifting.

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Antique Pottery Wheel: Painting Pictures Ep. 67

In just the second podcast episode of 2019, Gabe chats about carrying foam on top of his car, getting old and smelly, a beautiful historic pottery wheel, and raising rabbits.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

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