Gabriel Roberts

Truth is Beauty

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Nick Hudson on The Fat Emperor Podcast

I acknowledge that there’s a lot of stuff we don’t know. So I’m interested to hear people’s theories about tradewinds, as I’m interested to hear people’s theories about viral dormancy, and change in temperature triggering epidemics… those are all things that you must entertain as a scientist—or a person that admires science at the very least. That’s how you learn new things, is by thinking about the novel, or the creative idea. And we’re simply not doing this; we have one cause, which is ‘kids give it to granny’, and we have one cure, which is lockdown. It’s the most stultifying approach you can possibly take to a complex system like an epidemic.

There is a confluence of incentives… you’ve got people who are making money, and they’re going to carry on trying to do that out of this lunatic testing asylum; you’ve got people that are too far gone—they’ve committed too much to the doctrine of lockdown, the voodoo of the mask, and it’s hard for them to stand down; and then you’ve got people with delusions of grandeur, who want to save the world from the deadly virus, and who believe that they’re going to do it with their vaccine, even though we’ve never had a really successful RNA vaccine, and a safe one, an efficacious one, that you can show is safe and efficacious, is years off; and then you’ve got… ineptitude as another part of the story, people who are not that bright—they haven’t really spent enough time studying the data and the information to form their views, they’re forming their views out of fear—and they go to lehman intuition, that you’ve gotta be better off if you put a bit of cloth in front of your face, and you’ve gotta be better off if you stop visiting people, they just go for that rudimentary, first thing that you can grab at, something that computes in a very simplistic kind of way, and then in the midst of all the fear they become adherents to this new religion. I think they’re sincere a lot of the time, but they’re just not very clever. And so you’ve got multiple commercial, political, accident-of-history, psychological fear-driven drivers of this thing that lead to the maintenance of, essentially a voodoo science

I’m most certainly not an anti-vaxx person, I think vaccines were fantastic inventions that saved millions of lives when it came to diseases like smallpox and polio, but I just look at this thing and say “what? really? what are we doing here?”.

I worry about these suggestions of these sinister coercive practices of requiring vaccine passports and the like. That to me is getting properly Orwellian.

There’s no relation between lockdown stringency and (COVID-19) mortality. As more of the longer-dated lockdown countries fill in… we are almost certainly going to end up showing that lockdowns cause higher coronavirus mortality. The reason is: your endpoint, whether you like it or not, is herd immunity. And what you want to be doing, what your strategy ought to be oriented around doing, is getting to herd immunity whilst infecting the smallest possible number of vulnerable people. And you do that by changing the relative mobility of vulnerable people. You bring down their mobility, without reducing the mobility of the non-vulnerable people. What general lockdowns do is exactly the opposite, because your vulnerable people are less mobile to start with, so when you start putting the brakes on the kids and the young adults, you massively reduce their mobility, and so the relative mobility of the older and more vulnerable people, the at-risk people, actually goes up. That is a very compelling explanation for why you get this very high mortality in countries like Peru, where you’ve had brutal and extended lockdowns, and this very high age-based mortality in countries like South Africa. It’s actually counter-productive.

This is a fight for the existence of civilization. I think we are heading down a very very dangerous road, and people need to see it that way, we really do. we can’t go on furlough and doing nothing and waiting every season for another lockdown… it will cripple economies and lead to starvation and the end of life as we know it. It really is important that people wake up to that reality.

Watch the excellent interview here:

The first assumption of all these modelers who sold “flatten the curve” to all the politicians… they all believed that the virus was new.  Of course it’s kind of a new virus, but many parts of the virus are not new, it’s a relative, it has other coronaviruses that are relatives.

I had a problem with the flatten the curve, but I went along with it, I must say, to my own shame, because they said “or else the collateral damage that arises is too big, because oh the hospitals will be overrun…” everybody knows this story.  And I went along with this.  But then, all over Europe, the curve came down, and independent of whether there was a harsh lockdown or not.  Whatever a country did, didn’t matter—the curves were coming down.  So that means that all the model calculators, the epidemiologists with their self-made computer programs—that was basically bullshit because there was a basic immunity there.  The virus had not a chance to infect everybody.  The virus very often stumbled over people who were immune.

That is until today the most panic-inducing principle, namely that most media still speak about “today we had so and so many new infections”.  Which is totally not true.  A virus is a particle, it goes to everybody.  So if somebody is immune, the virus also goes into this body, and it will multiply—even a little bit.  But if you’re immune, you attack the virus first with antibodies and you make immediately debris, the virus is destroyed, you have only parts of the virus around in your tissue, or in your blood… you will find this debris, and part of this debris will be RNA.  And if you make a PCR, all these people will be positive, because the PCR picks up sometimes only one tiny little piece of RNA that is then amplified.  And this assay cannot tell you whether you have the virus, or if you just have some dead chunk of the virus which still gives you a positive result.  So corona positive with a PCR—everybody should realize this is not a quantitative assay, it is a qualitative assay.  It tells you only if a tiny little bit of nucleic acid was there, but it doesn’t tell you whether it was the complete virus, or even a virulent virus… this test only tells you that a little piece was there.

No other virus, ever, on this planet has been accompanied by so much testing, and so much testing that has created so much nonsense and panic.

Professor Stadler goes on to say that the de facto immunity before Sars-CoV-2’s arrival, based on T-cell response to other coronaviruses, is probably around 80%.   Listen to the full interview on the Fat Emperor podcast here:

A Swedish Perspective on COVID-19 with Ida Ketonen: Painting Pictures Ep. 79

Ida Ketonen joins the podcast from Malmo, Sweden, to discuss the Coronavirus pandemic and how it has unfolded in Sweden.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Here’s a permalink to the episode:

Sweden smear campaign articles:

Grim coronavirus death toll projected in Sweden after lax approach to pandemic:

Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale:

Swedish exceptionalism has been ended by coronavirus:

Some Data Analysis:

Swedish Covid-19 mortality in perspective:

A ‘Nordic’ comparison: Sweden has lower overall mortality than Scotland and Finland:

The Coronavirus Pandemic

Until recently, I thought the coronavirus was a hoax. I wasn’t convinced of a global pandemic or even the existence of this never-before-seen virus. The numbers and images that were supposed to be frightening seemed insignificant and inconclusive. I thought that everybody was overreacting, and I went so far as to suggest as much on Facebook. I was corrected quickly and firmly by friends and family with firsthand experience with the virus—many of whom I haven’t interacted with in years. My perspective shifted dramatically, and with some further reading about the virus itself, its origins and capabilities, I came away legitimately frightened. I’m incredibly grateful to be in a low-risk group, and to live in rural Vermont where the virus hasn’t quite taken off. I’ve started wearing a mask when entering stores; while I may not feel it makes much of a difference for my health, I understand its importance to others, and that there are better ways to express my thoughts on the current state of the world than by broadcasting the fact that I’m not afraid.

My thoughts on the state of the world are many. They come on me when I wake up in the middle of the night, and often when I first get up in the morning. They lead me to my computer and the internet, and they multiply. They make me feel sad, angry, and confused. The following is an effort to organize my thoughts at this point, at the peak of the virus’ destruction. I should warn you that I am a conspiracy theorist. I’ve rejected the label for years, but I now understand that to believe something other than the mainstream narrative means you’re probably a conspiracy theorist, so yes, I am definitely a conspiracy theorist, and I understand if you want to stop reading now.

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Yoga with Dan Keene

Looking back to last Fall when I lampooned good ol’ Dan Keene of Lamoille Valley Ford at the Vermont Vaudeville Fall Show:

I got to do four shows with the amazing Vermont Vaudeville crew, a weekend of wild fun that I will never forget.

If you’ve never heard one of Dan’s radio ads, you might not quite get the joke. He sells cars through relentless radio marketing, and he sounds kind of like this. As far as I know, he does not lead yoga classes.

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