Illness is your body’s way of slowing you down, and the slower you can get the better. In the past 72 hours, I’ve learned that I’m TERRIBLE at being sick. Here’s a little run-down:
Tuesday Morning: I first feel a little under the weather. A big day was planned, and I decide to carry on with the plan of driving North out of the city for the day. I feel a little better around midday, then worse again that night.
Wednesday Morning: I’m officially sick, and I’m immediately upset about it. I know it’s thanks to an absurdly late night I indulged in over the weekend, and now I’m paying the price and feeling lousy. But there’s much to be done, and I decide that if I’m not going to make it to my studio, I’ll sure as heck get some computer work done. I sit at my desk in the cold and struggle through some photoshop and wordpress tasks. I hit snags at ever turn, forced to contact tech support and chat with numerous representatives supposedly named “Mike”. I miss out on a chance to hang out with a friend.
Wednesday afternoon: I take a short nap but don’t feel well enough to make it to a reunion dinner, so I’m forced to pull out. I put myself to bed at 9pm sharp, determined to sleep this damn thing off. I toss and turn for more than an hour, thinking about how I wish I wasn’t sick, and of all the things I have to do tomorrow and how I absolutely need to feel better and how this sleep just has to come. It doesn’t, and finally I have to get up and use the bathroom, and I’m aggravated to see it’s well past ten when I get back in bed. I read for a little while. I TRY to relax. Finally, I fall asleep.
Thursday morning: I feel a little better but I’m not “better”. I get up early anyway, and push myself down to my studio to get some things done. I don’t get much done. I can’t focus and I can’t make decisions. I start a project and it doesn’t quite come out right and I leave it. Then I realize It’s not a project I want to do, and, tired, I go home.
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