Gabriel Roberts

Truth is Beauty

Author: gaberobertsart (page 1 of 14)

Deflating the Balloon of Vacation Optimism

Upon returning from vacation, while my wife and children gently settle in to our lovely little house, I begin to rapidly swirl through the property, following a predictable progression from unpacking to small projects to finally finding something to bang my head against and become extremely frustrated and then despondent.

Vacation provides a much-needed break from the rigors of daily life, which steadily drag me down and drive me to seek relief in beers and cigarettes at the end of the day when the children are finally in bed and the kitchen is clean once more.  On vacation, we often choose to leave our pouch of tobacco at home, and rarely miss it while we’re away, and tend to go to bed early and gradually build up momentum of solid sleeps and daydreaming about which direction to steer our lives, so that when we return I’m invigorated and ready to take life by the horns.

Our house always feels bigger than I remember it, and our neighborhood more lovely.  Yesterday, after returning from a beautiful weekend in New Hampshire, I stood in the driveway watching yellow leaves drift through the air and the sunlight on the furrows of brush-hogged grass on the hillside, and thought “this ain’t so bad”.  I unpacked the car with perfect efficiency, carrying items to the garage on my return trips, and soon had it emptied and closed the hatch and rolled the big suitcase into our bedroom for later (I’ve never once gone so far as to unpack the actual suitcase the day we get home).  While standing behind our boy so he could play in his favorite upper cabinet, I began shaking a spray foam gun and eyeing the gaps around the drywall in the laundry room that I’ve been meaning to seal for seven years.  Soon I was at work, filling gaps, moving the step stool while our boy clambered up from behind, holding the gun at the perfect angle and letting out just the right amount of foam.  I finished the laundry room and immediately remembered the new exhaust duct in the kitchen, slid the stool to the corner cabinet and got right to work, emptying the top shelf of the lazy susan with one hand while shaking the can with the other.  Access to the back side of the duct was blocked by the top shelf; not to be denied, I left the baby standing on the top step of the stool and calmly strode to the basement stairwell and grabbed the large flathead screwdriver I knew lived in the bottom of my household toolkit.  I lowered the top shelf, foamed some more, and again was denied access—this time by the central rod of the contraption.  Without a word of frustration, I calmly noted the philips heads of the screws anchoring the assembly to the cabinet ceiling, and returned to my toolkit for the drill, already equipped with a philips bit.  Down came the tiny screws and in went my foam gun again; I stood with one foot on the counter, hunched over and stretched out at the same time, depressing the trigger to pump expanding foam into the unseen gap behind the duct.  My son called for miscellaneous items on the counter before him, and without letting off the trigger I reached down and shoved spice jars and spatulas into his reach.  I was a man possessed.  I made three important phone calls in a row.  I delivered my Mom’s groceries, separated from our cooler, to her apartment upstairs.  I screwed on two final slats to the railing ‘round the platform of our newly-acquired play structure.  Is there nothing I couldn’t check off the list?

Finished with the foam, the can itself empty, I took it to the garage to service the gun, which was encrusted with cured foam from a faulty valve on the head of the can that had exploded when touched by the gun’s screw cap.  I laid out a sheet of cardboard on the garage floor and donned a pair of rubber gloves, then doused the assembly thoroughly with foam gun cleaner spray.  I picked at the cured foam with a plastic spoon and then a random steak knife that lives in the pen cup on the workbench, but every time I went to unscrew the gun from the can, the top of the can spun too, fused to the gun.  More spray, more hacking, more useless spinning.  I felt the cold sting of the solvent through my flimsy gloves and went for a rag.  I grabbed large channel-lock pliers and a massive crescent wrench from my metal toolbox, and applied them to the can.  Unable to get proper purchase on the plastic cap of the canister, the whole top spun together.  Frustration began to mount within me.  I sprayed more, hacked more, tried again to get a grip.  I began to curse.  “You pig”, I said.  “You fucking pig”.  I thought about how my voice might carry from the closed doors of the barn, continued my struggle, and continued to curse.  The weighty crescent wrench tempted me to smash the can, but I considered the risk of a pressurized vessel and held back.  But I laid into it with my words.  Frustration turned to despair.  “This is why I smoke”, I said.  “Because I have to deal with this fucking shit”.  “You fucking pig”, I said again.  I again resisted the urge to bring my wrench down on the can of foam, and stood and smashed instead the melamine sheet table on a pair of sawhorses, leaving a good dent.  I threw the wrench back in the box and stormed out of the garage, feeling the entire balloon of my positivity come down around me and our little .3 acre lot.

Once again, as I always do, I’d found a reason to be completely frustrated and fully reminded of why life is hard.  As usual, it was an inanimate object obeying the laws of physics that stubbornly resisted my will.  Typically, it was something related to this ancient house or some chore of Vermont living that I resent.  Some tiresome task that falls to me as a matter of maintaining our lives here.  When I’m retired and living in a pristine condo in Arizona, what will I find to burst my bubble of vacation optimism?

Some of the Posts Below are a Little Ranty

I just updated the “About” page on the site, and took a little look at my recent posts—most from about two years ago. I’d forgotten about how fired up and cynical I was about the coronavirus and the vaccine.  I know these aren’t exactly shining examples of calm and level-headed writing (or, in the case of the podcast, speaking), but I’ll leave them there as evidence of where I was.

I don’t think I was far off with much of those opinions, and I haven’t changed my stance on the events that began to unfold in March 2020, but I certainly don’t feel so angry or afraid anymore.  At the time, I felt like a solitary voice screaming against a thousand people all telling me to be quiet and that I’m crazy.  Not a good feeling!  I was afraid for myself and my family.  I was afraid that I’d have to take an injection in order to access goods and services or bring home income to support my family.  I remember thinking at one point that I’d do it if I had to, as long as the rest of my family could get by without it.  I’d go earn the money and go to the grocery store to buy the bread.

I’m not so afraid anymore, and I’m not so concerned with what other people think.  Back then it seemed like the tide of public opinion would make or break the future that we all must live in, and if we couldn’t all agree that people shouldn’t be coerced into unwanted medical procedures, then we were doomed to become slaves incapable of growing food or reproducing without approval and assistance from the State.

I think I have more confidence now in myself and my family and God, such that whatever happens out there in clown world, I know that we will be okay.  And while the writing is on the wall as to where the social engineers would like us to go, there’s still time to be an old-school human exercising free will and creating things that machines will never understand and can never control.

Woodshed Build

Green lumber woodshed toolshed on hemlock sleepers

This summer, my brother and I built a combination woodshed/toolshed at a camp on Little Hosmer Pond here in Craftsbury VT.   The client wanted a place to store a cord of wood, and a place to store a lawnmower and some tools.  My design was for a 10′ x 5′ shed, with four feet partitioned off for tool storage, and a sliding barn door across the front.  The shed is built from green lumber—all spruce and hemlock from local mills.  The bones are: 6×6 sill, 4×4 posts, 2×6 beams, 2×4 rafters, and 1×4 roof strapping.

Books Your Mom Reads Too: Painting Pictures Ep. 89

Inaugural podcast from the Barn or is it a Garage? Forgiveness is the theme, but Gabe forgot to talk about it; The problem with children’s books; cultural depravity; something is wrong with product development; how to adjust your budget for inflation.

Click here to stream and download through my website:

Click here to download and listen through Apple Podcasts:

Don’t Look Up: There’s Propaganda Headed for Your Brain

I watched the “movie” “Don’t Look Up” the other night with my wife.  Wow.  I’m not sure how anybody involved with this thing could have deluded themselves into thinking they were actually making a movie.  There goes all respect that may have lingered in my heart for Meryl Streep, Leo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, and Jonah Hill.  They all outed themselves in this one.  This was the most overt piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen, and I’m still flabbergasted that something so obvious and smarmy could find its way to the screen and people are actually expected to enjoy it.

dont-look-up-movie-jennifer lawrence-dicaprio

Our heroes

Lawrence and DiCaprio play the scientists here—honest, hard-working, afraid-of-the-limelight nerds who discover a comet heading straight for Earth!  Streep is the President of the United States, so obviously a caricature of Trump it’s not even funny.  She is advised/controlled by a Jeff Bezos/Elon Musk/Steve Jobs character who convinces her to try and blow the comet into tiny pieces so as to capture all the $140 trillion of rare metals and minerals inside, rather than just nuke it off course like NASA has planned.

The darn prez-supporting redneck conspiracy theorists don’t buy that a comet is coming and call it a hoax!  The good science-following liberals organize a campaign called “Just Look Up” once the comet is visible in the night sky, and host a huge benefit concert with a performance by Arianna Granda.  Yes, the actual singer performs an actual fake song in front of an actual fake audience in this movie, and we Netflix viewers are supposed to sit there happily and enjoy it!  We fast-forwarded through that one.

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Miles Mathis on The Housing Market

Miles Mathis on the current housing market:

HGTV: It seems like a pretty harmless television network, right? But it’s actually a fine-tuned social engineering project that heavily promotes the idea that houses should be investment vehicles, earning you money. This is part of the essential lie of speculative capitalism, that you can create wealth disproportionate to the amount of effort you put into it. Did it ever make sense that doing a $50,000 renovation to your house increases its value by $100,000? Does another $50,000 of real value magically get created? No. But this is the kind of endless mad dash for profit that gets created by the interest-based banking system. And that’s what HGTV is designed to do for the housing market. It fetishizes homes to arbitrarily increase their value, turning what is normally a depreciating asset into an investment. What does that do in real terms? It eviscerates communities as everyone constantly buys and sell houses, never living in one place long enough to form neighborly bonds. And do you know who’s behind HGTV? It was founded by Kenneth Lowe and Susan Packard and has since been sold to Discovery, Inc., whose majority shareholders are…

Vanguard, BlackRock, JPMorgan, etc. Think about that: the same people behind the housing market are behind HGTV. Do you think this is a coincidence? Meanwhile, they make it harder and harder to buy a house, making you work harder. It’s a feeding frenzy that goes round and round, and if you buy into it, it turns you into a miniature version of them: a little speculator and landlord perpetuating their predatory system of speculation and landlordism. But no matter how rich you get acting like them, they will always get richer off you. That’s what the banking system does, and that’s why you’ll never catch up with them. Better to get out of the race altogether. Be as NIMBYish as you can possibly be, not because you’re trying to protect your real estate investment, but because you’re trying to protect your home and your neighborhood, two things which sit at the heart of everything good in this world. Why do you think the rulers are trying to buy up the housing market? Because a little family in a little house on a little street that hasn’t changed in 50 years is the biggest threat of all to their hegemony. If you don’t think that’s true, then you still don’t understand the true nature of the war that’s going on around you.

Read the full article here:

NEJM’s Pregnancy & COVID-19 Vaccine Study is Misleading

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study entitled “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons“, and it is being used everywhere to demonstrate that these experimental vaccines are safe for pregnant women.  If you do a search on “COVID vaccine pregnancy”, you are likely to find this study cited in the first slew of results, all articles proclaiming that the shot is completely safe and totally necessary for pregnant women.

I actually took the time to read the study, and was shocked right away at the number of “spontaneous abortions”: 104.  Out of a group of 4000 women, this seemed like a lot to me!  The study assures us, however, that there’s no cause for concern, as the “published incidence” of spontaneous abortion is between 10 and 26 percent.  So the 104 out of 827 in this group—or 12.6%—is totally normal.

Thanks to a letter from a group of Canadian MD’s, my suspicion that something was fishy about the data in the study are confirmed:


The article by Shimabukuro et al. 2021 presents preliminary safety results of coronavirus 2019 mRNA vaccines used in pregnant women from the V-Safe Registry. These findings are of particular importance, as pregnant women were excluded from the phase III trials assessing mRNA vaccines. In table 4, the authors report a rate of spontaneous abortions <20 weeks (SA) of 12.5% (104 abortions/827 completed pregnancies). However, this rate should be based on the number of women who were at risk of an SA due to vaccine receipt and should exclude the 700 women who were vaccinated in their third trimester (104/127 = 82%). We acknowledge this rate will likely decrease as the pregnancies of women who were vaccinated <20 weeks complete but believe the rate will be higher than 12.5%. However, given the importance of these findings we feel it important to report these rates accurately. Additionally, the authors indicate that the rate of SAs in the published literature is between 10% and 26%. However, the upper cited rate includes clinically-unrecognized pregnancies, which does not reflect the clinically-recognized pregnancies of this cohort and should be removed.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself!!  A two-month study like this gives us just a snapshot of pregnant women, and naturally, of the “completed pregnancies”, most will be those that were further along in their pregnancy when they got the shot.  But to calculate that 12.5% number off of this snapshot, and compare it to a population-wide statistic is absolutely downright sheisty!  This is what we call comparing apples to oranges.

Let’s say you were trying to figure out if blonde women were more likely to have a miscarriage than brunettes.  To do this, let’s say you decided to pick a random day and say “today there are lots of pregnant blonde women, and at the end of the day there were 85 children born and 15 miscarriages, therefore blonde women don’t seem to be obviously more likely to have a miscarriage”.  One might ask: “Okay great, but of those 100 completed pregnancies, how many blonde women were there?”.  “Ummmmmm let me see…. twelve?”.

Not very convincing!

Why, pray tell, did the authors settle on the date range of December 14, 2020, to February 28, 2021?  Is there something special about this window?  And what became of the “scheduled follow-ups” with the women who received the vaccine in the first and second trimester.  It’s now July, and the paper has yet to be updated with that data.  I wonder why?

I’m no scientist, but it seems to me that the way to determine whether this experimental gene therapy is safe for pregnant women is to use something called a control group: un-vaccinated women.  You would get two identical groups of women, of roughly the same age, health, and gestation period, and give one group the shot and the other a placebo.  Then you would follow them for—heaven forbid—six months!!!  Six months!!!  Can you imagine spending that much time trying to figure out if this vaccine increases your risk of miscarriage?!?!  While a pandemic is raging?!?!?  I must be out of my mind!!!

We will probably never see this study.   In fact, we will probably never see a single mainstream scientific study involving vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.  We will see hundreds of meaningless papers like this that pretend to prove exactly what they set out to prove (which is precisely the reverse of the scientific method), and you will never see one that uses an unvaccinated placebo control group.

What a bunch of trash.  Shame on all twelve of these fools for putting their names on a piece of absolute garbage balogna like this, and for wasting our time as we try to wade through their mess of meaningless jumbled unrelated numbers and cohorts to try and figure out why it smells like garbage.  Please just do the goddamn study already if you actually care to determine or demonstrate anything.

Sorry Bud, You’ve Got to Keep Wearing Your Mask

We went shopping at the big supermarket in our closest big town yesterday, and got to load up our cart with an abundant haul of fruit, veggies, pickles, organic meats, and a few of our favorite snacks and indulgences. Almost everybody was mask-free, including the employees, which is a welcome change. It takes a little getting used to, seeing people’s faces again. I’d gotten accustomed to being the only maskless person in most stores, but now suddenly we’re all maskless. All except for the children of course. Our baby girl of four-and-a-half months, riding in a carrier on Mom’s chest, gets a pass, and charms all the other shoppers—especially a man wearing a bright-red Xfinity t-shirt in the checkout next to us (she loves the color red, and particularly men wearing the color red). We saw two other babies sitting up in shopping carts, also mask-free. All of the children walking under their own power, however, were wearing masks—per CDC guidelines—accompanied by parents or caretakers without masks.

How did we reach a point where people are readily demonstrating their willingness to sacrifice their children to authorities? Putting a mask on your child, while you enjoy the sweet freedom of breathing fresh air and interacting as a human, is like holding that child up naked to the maw of the beast and bowing your head and saying “here—you may have my child if you so desire”. I can imagine the saliva dripping from that maw, the slow grin of satisfaction at this fresh life being offered up for their enjoyment. “Ah yes”, says the beast, “we’ll start with a little injection”.

I have to imagine that most adults—or at least a good portion of adults—must be enjoying the feeling of not having to wear a mask in public. Perhaps they’re thinking “ahhhh, this is nice. Finally back to normal!”, and as they stretch their arms in satisfaction, maybe buy some tickets for a summer concert, and take the mask off of their rearview mirror, they turn to their children and say “Sorry bud, you’ve got to keep yours on for a while longer”.

What they’re really saying is that they are willing to jump through all of the hoops they are told to jump through, and they’re equally willing to shove their children through more hoops as instructed. The evaporating mask mandates and eased restrictions, to them, are proof that the authorities are to be trusted: “See? I knew that if we all just did as we’re told, we’d get through this”. Never mind that the kids still have to wear masks.

I watched two boys move about the store with masks on, their caretaker chatting to them about snacks, their eyes darting meekly about, their entire bodies loaded with hesitancy and trepidation. I saw a dad follow his three kids into the store, all wearing masks, and his face said he’s being a good citizen by making his kids wear their masks. I remember last summer watching a dad chew out his teenage boy for not putting his mask on right away as they made their way from one end of the beach to the other. I could see him casting about, desperate to demonstrate to all the other beach-goers that he wasn’t some ignorant Trump-voting redneck, that he was “following the science” and keeping his kids in line.

Where is the concern for the actual health and well-being of one’s children? Does that factor in at all? In order to believe that the coming vaccine is for their benefit, and thereby actually believe that it makes sense for them to be wearing masks now, you would have to believe that COVID-19 presents some sort of threat to their lives. Doesn’t everybody know that children are 10 or 15 times more likely to die of the flu? Was it really as easy as all major media outlets suddenly using the phrase “rising hospitalizations among adolescents” to convince parents that their kids need this vaccine and should keep wearing masks until they can get it?

I don’t think so. I don’t think most parents actually feel like COVID-19 is likely to kill their kids, and I don’t think they actually think the mask does a whole lot to protect them (although surely there are plenty that do). It’s hard to imagine that two pillars of the narrative thus far: that children are not at risk of serious COVID-19 disease (but may simply spread it to those who are), and that masks do little to protect the wearer (but may protect others should you unknowingly be infected), can have crumbled in the public consciousness so quickly. Masks on kids now directly contradicts both of these statements. But so says the CDC, and so the parents shrug their shoulders and shake their heads and say “sorry bud, you’ve got to keep wearing the mask”.

The sickest part of this is to imagine that these parents may very well have spent the past year explaining things to their children as follows: “There’s a flu going around bud, and lots of people are getting sick and dying”, to which the child might ask “Am I going to get sick and die?”, “No sweetie, you probably won’t, but if grandma were to catch the bug, she could die, so we’re all going to wear masks for a while to make sure that the bug doesn’t reach granny”. “When will it all be over?” “Well the scientists are making a vaccine that will protect granny, and so we’ve all just got to do our part to protect her until they finish making the vaccine and she can be safe”.

Well granny got the jab in January, Mom and Dad. What now? Now do you tell your children that they are suddenly at risk of dying, and so they also need the vaccine? Were you lying to them all of last year? Do you try and cling to your role as knowledgeable authority to your children, and explain why it’s now important that they get the vaccine themselves, or why it’s now important to wear a mask to protect yourself? Do you play a Dr. Fauci and claim that you were lying to them last year when you said it was to protect granny, and that they weren’t at risk, because you didn’t want to scare them? “I lied to you for your own good, bud. Now that granny’s safe I’m gonna level with you: you were actually at risk this whole time, I just didn’t want you to be scared”. Or do you just shrug your shoulders and explain that directions from adults don’t always make sense, that even Mommy and Daddy don’t always understand why the CDC or The School or The Government tells them to do certain things, but the important thing is to just do it, because those are the rules.

My sense is that this is the big takeaway for most families: whether explicitly stated or simply left for the sharp minds of children to put together, the message is that we follow rules no matter what, that rules don’t have to make sense, that in order to be good citizens we obey orders, and in the end everything is okay.

Great! Until it isn’t. Until you encourage your son to get the vaccine in order to attend basketball tournaments, and he gets blood clots in his brain and nearly dies. , or your daughter gets the shot before returning to college, suffers myocarditis, and dies. At that point, will the government that you trusted like a parent be there to make everything okay? I don’t think so. You will be told it was just a coincidence, that your healthy child would have developed those blood clots or heart inflammation anyway. The government will offer you nothing. You will not be able to sue the criminal companies that manufactured the vaccine. You will be left with nobody to blame but yourself.

Hosing Down the Ducks: Painting Pictures Ep. 89

How the Trump Trap makes blaming others as easy as ground beef; the fickle gods of public health; mask discussions on the community message board; sitting ducks, composting, and Gerry freaking Durrel.

Click here to download the episode and subscribe to Painting Pictures via Apple Podcasts:

Or listen right here:

Two New Studies that Make Me Scared of the COVID-19 Vaccine

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier:

Researchers used three different samples of human brain tissue to demonstrate all sorts of frightening effects of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, including increased inflammation and permeability of the blood brain barrier.

Makes you wonder why you’d want to take a “vaccine” that instructs your cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome:

The title says it all here. How bits of an RNA virus can be incorporated into human DNA. We have been assured that the mRNA vaccine, which codes for production of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, cannot be incorporated into human DNA. Here we see that RNA from the virus can…

An excellent analysis of these implications can be found here:

From Dr. Doug’s analysis:

…the RNA in the vaccine is a different animal than the RNA produced by the virus. The RNA in the vaccine is artificially engineered. First, it is engineered to stay around in your cells for a much longer time than usual (RNA is naturally unstable and degrades quickly in the cell). Second, it is engineered such that it is efficient at being translated into protein (they accomplish this by codon optimization). Increasing the stability of the RNA increases the probability that it will become integrated into your DNA; and, increasing the translation efficiency increases the amount of protein translated from the RNA if it does happen to become incorporated into your DNA in a transcriptionally active region of your genome. Theoretically, this means that whatever negative effects are associated with the natural process of viral RNA/DNA integration, these negative effects could be more frequent and more pronounced with the vaccine when compared to the natural virus.

In summary, there’s a proven pathway whereby the mRNA from COVID-19 vaccines can be permanently integrated into our DNA and thereby replicated forever. The vaccine mRNA instructs cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which we now see can cause brain inflammation and degradation of the blood brain barrier.

Fortunately, these products have been thoroughly tested for like 6 months, so there’s nothing to worry about!!

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